I should go to see the beach this weekend. but I can't wait it.

January 29, 2008

Thanks, "Sine" the girl who worked at my gym, she finally sent my picture to me. wow! My both arms were so pumped that they were bigger than their actual size. New schedule for work out has been working well and so I could see me, getting bigger and that means I'd rather carefully work out to get all balanced.

The road was wet this morning from the morning rain and sky, the grey colour sky made me feel irritating. Everything at that moment looked ugly and sad on my eyes. I just wanted to get out of my life with him who needs help that I couldn't give him. and bring smile to him.

As I mentioned few days ago, a friend of mine got a huge problem so his family has been struggling from many things, caused by that disaster. I met him 3days in a row however there was nothing changed. why I did meet him was to make sure he was ok and just wanted to be with him. When someone needs help and I'm not able to give him anything, I feel useless. I wish I had something to give him. He was strong guy physically and mentally. He loved his life and that lessened me to open my eyes and know how beautiful my life is. But it does seem like he is in the hell therefore he doesn't know what to do. What can I do for him? what should I do? just see how everything goes with him? If there's God please help him pleas care of him, please get him out of this hell.

Talking craft is good sometimes. I met some people and talk about random topic which made me not think of my friend for a while. some people didn't know what's manner is. I guess it's because Internet, letting people hide themselves regardless of how and what they are talking about meanwhile there are a lot of people who, well mannered. and I met a guy who current study to be a interpreter which I wanted to be and I may will try to become. It's so hard to pass the test in order to take the class to be interpreter as far as I know. Frankly, His speaking wasn't good as I expected though he knows a variety of terminology in politics, economics and history. our conversation went to job stuff. hot issue to me and ended up talking about English plan that new coming government may will take effect. I went straight to bed after the conversation was done, it was 3am.

People say a four-leaved clover means good fortune. This picture is for my friends.
I don't believe luck, but for my friends I can pray for them

January 27, 2008

This is wired that a girl who worked for my gym didn't send me a picture of mine yet. It was the last day for her to work. when I was about to return my locker key, she said " I will take a picture of you." Yes, she sure can photo me. I liked it, since I haven't got any picture at the gym. It was 2 weeks since she told me to send pictures. I should phone her soon because of the fact that she may forget my mail and then deleted the picture of mine. I don't want to see that happens.

I hit to the gym after work on Friday as usual and then I phoned a friend who happened to become my buddy around midnight on the street.

There was a guy, asking me something when I was talking with a friend of mine.
This guy who was drunk spoke to me 담배 “Dambe" a smoke in Korean. and I took a piece of smoke from pack. "No, No, Where did I get smoke?" He said. Oh I knew what he meant. however I didn't think that he could go himself to buy it so I took him over Seven Eleven. we talked for about 30Min's with smoking and that's how we became friends it's funny. this would happen to happen to me because of the my place, surrounded two famous clubs and tons of bars.

It was T.G.I.F that I didn't feel staying at home myself and I went to Seomyon where downtown in Busan is. "WaBar" we met up in with his friend. after we started drinking some beers his friends came over and we went to a small bar on second floor that I never been. Though it's really small, they had good cocktails. we talked a lot that I rarely understand. too much idiom and phrasal in their talk :) I liked them. They are funny, bright and they seem to know how to make fun lol

A company, famous in car market has been looking for new people to give them work as an intern in Europe. There should be high competition, for Korea job market has been narrowed down plus the company is offering such a good pay, working environment and benefits. I swear more than 80% job seekers in Korea would like to work in the company. 4days left till the due date. 'Should I apply for it or focus on other jobs that I could get easy way?' some of acquaintances gave me suggestion to turn my eyes another side. but I won't stop doing it. don't call me I'm foolish. I'm not just seeing chances, passing by.

It's Sunday today. I was told really bad news after I had lunch and I seriously don't want to mention about it here. hope the thing goes well and my friend is OK soon.

Her nick name is Rosa.

January 24, 2008

Today! I'd like to tell you guys good news that the video I made recently was nominated as #27 - Most Discussed (This Week) - People & Blogs - South Korea which is cool. It has been viewed more than 300time for only 5days. Wow. Feel great! :) Thanks for you guys. It definitely motivates me to make better video for my friends, my life.

It was good, listening to morning music over the mp3 player. I set my small cute yellow mp3 player at 5:30 to get me alarmed to wake up because there has been mornings when bell on my cell phone doesn't sound nimbly.

As soon as I woke up, I watched Arirang Korean news, organized in English, following my morning schedule. This is to pick English words when it comes to science, politics and economic, in addition it's easier way to learn how to explain things about Korea as they don't use difficult words as well as complicated sentence. Frankly speaking, It's not that easy for me to understand exactly what they are talking about though I do enjoy spending time on being into seeing impressing good English announcers who are beautiful lol

It was so sunny today that I text some of my friends, saying "Enjoy beautiful sunshine" yes, Sunny day always is good, happy, beautiful, awesome, cool, as I'm summer boy and so I hope it's sunny tomorrow.

I text a friend of mine, A-Ra whom I mentioned the other day in my blog for lunch today but she didn't have time and so we had dinner at oyster restaurant, 10minutes from my school. She and I both like that place, they have awesome oyster soup. Waitress are kind and sweet. plus They have good deal. I really enjoyed to eat and I actually needed oyster for the reason of oyster is whole protein bunches as well as chicken that I love :) Because of me, being a chatterbox, she was just listener. what we were talking about was all about stuffs that we need to completed before starting to jump into job market such as scoring high marks in TOEIC English test, having some certificate of qualifications and so on. she looked a little exhausted and I tried to cheer her. she just nodded. poor baby. I feel so sorry to say this she was so CUTE today Ah..

Why do I like her? you guys would understand me with what I'm telling now. A is an enrolled student in my current university as I am and I could see her passion, confidence. the way she plans and she has been doing to achieve things that she needs should be admired in my eyes plus she is doing everything that she needs to do ambitiously more than any other guys whom I've known moreover she has beauty inside of her. having beautiful smile and eyes that I like are bonus.

Well why am I not seeing her? I was late :) she has a boy friend but it's ok I do like her as a friend and I'm happy to know her, A-Ra

There's my name on the list,showing English volunteer members
I highlight my name "서병성" Seo byong seong

January 21, 2008

It's slightly raining again here in Busan, yet it's freaking cold. I hope it's sunny soon!
As of today, checking my short plan, designed the first of this year was needed to see how productive I've been since 1st of this year otherwise there should be something to stimulate myself and then I can make my mission completed :)

I'm not a organized person with this evidence that I put more time and efforts than anyone else. It my not true but the thing to achieve one thing takes longer than my friends and that's how I became strongly adhesive and I never threw in the towel no matter how hard, difficult they were to get done.

Anyway, it took about 1hour to do a careful analysis and then some alternatives, that should be started from tomorrow were created.

Ah, small palm diary for 2008 was on the second bookshelf which I rarely check because of books were used many years ago and it's from BBB which is for Before Babel Bridge and this nonprofit organization that offers oral translation service for people from abroad who can't speak in Korea and Korean who needs minor English translation service abroad. Yes, I've been doing this volunteer job as one of the members for people who needs business English. We are divided into three groups depends on the level of English we speak in. I'm the second from the top :) I was really happy and proud of my level since the test to be a member wasn't easy to me. The number of all members who currently doing this volunteer job is 2778 in Korea providing, people with and 17 kinds of languages. We all gathered for non profit. We all here to help people voluntary. This organization sound's like from a church, considering the meaning of Before Babel Bridge however I don't know much about the Bible. The important thing is we are devoting ourselves to people as a representative of Korea :) and I'm fully satisfied with my job and I won't stop this job. Oh, Call 1588-5644 when you guys need English or Korean service, you may hear my voice lol


January 19, 20 , 2008

Everything is clean! Even air is fresh in my room. I cleaned my room from the entrance to the every nook since it's Saturday today. My housecleaning music was played loudly and Yes, I was being into music :) It is scheduled to clean on Saturday or Friday once a week. Do you know that vacuuming or wiping on the floor would help you feel better as travel, work out does make you have relax. It sound's weird? It's just exciting to get rid of all dust and dirty stuff and I think that definitely help people, who are in a bad mood feel good. I hope my English is better then this and then I can make this more detail to make you guys understand.

I'm now awaiting a friend, YunSeon on the way to Busan from Masn city. She is one of my ex university friends and I haven't met her for past few years since I came to Busan. She loves sea as I do and so we made plan to walk around beach which is cool. Oh,, "Coffee bean" is located in the middle of Gwang an li beach and I'm not going to miss a coffee.

The station of SeoMyun, downtown in Busan always is crowded with people, shopping. Because One of the entrances of Lotte department store is in basement where gate of subway is and there are tons of stores in an underground shopping center. It's good that I'm man not girl. It would be stress for me to shop if I was woman and that is what I thought, while seeing many women, shopping. Too much kind of cloths and cosmetics and they are so expensive. It doesn't take much time to shop with the reason that I don't like checking every single store, making a list and comparing prices. oh,, One more thing is that I don't have any sense to follow the fashion :)

After I picked her, we went chicken place for dinner and we went to department store. There was price tag and it was saying a pair of slippers costs $180. That's crazy. I wouldn't buy it if I was a millionaire. An anti conspicuous consumption campaign is need in our society :)
Do you know what Hoddeok is? It's kind of snack Korean people like and we can buy on the street as we buy a hot dog to eat. It's A fried pancake with honey and other sweet things inside. you know you can only buy it for winter. It's so yummy. How much do you think it is? it cost only 50cents.

We went to Se Myun back after we went to beautiful with a good coffee to meet one more friend, In Gu who just got a job in Busan. it was around 11pm and I was tired. Though I have a meeting with a friend of mine tomorrow for his business, I didn't wanted to finish our meeting because we didn''t know when we all get gathered. We have a good chat and they seems like they have been working to make this current their life that they like. And they still are working hard to make better life. They don't do that to be rich as many people want to be. They are working to get real happy which is in their dictionary as I'm doing.

Thank to Leah

I made this video to say thanks, Leah.

Look at gifts from my friend, Leah

January 18, 2008

Sorry again. I was super busy though I wanted to update 17's diary, My job didn't let me do that.

So I'm now telling you what happened to me yesterday. It was freezing and too much windy which made me feel now ok. But When I check my post box there was something in it. 'What's this?' There was my friend's name, Leah on it who is in England. She sent a parcel to me and it's seems like new year's gift. Sweet!

I didn't uncut that parcel for some reasons. And today I check what's it in in the mean time my camera was making video of me :) You guys will see what she sent in the video that I will upload today. Frankly speaking it wasn't easy to make that video and I don't think I can go to the gym today. I did cardio a lot to make it. lol

In the middle of making a video for her as new year's gift, my speaking wasn't as good as before. and that's true. Study group for speaking in English, gathering Korean friends or making High attendance rate in TALKING CRAFT is necessary to me. what should I do? It has been damn hard to make this my current English however it's getting worse so fast. Got to make many English friends. It doesn't mean that I just want to take advantage their English.

When I speak in English, I feel like I'm not Seo, Byong Seong which is my Korean name. It's like I'm Build Seo. you guys may have the same thing when you guys speak in another language which is not your mother tongue. what I mean is that the way to think, the feeling I have, speaking in English are totally different from speaking in Korean. It doesn't mean that I act like a person, having two faces in addition meeting new people is what I love and it's more makes me happy to meet people who came from out of Korea. That helps me know and learn what they have, what they think in their kind of view which is great!!!!!! I'm not going to stop this since my motto is to experience as much as possible.

January 17, 2008

Many people has been here in my blog as counter's showing the number.

Sorry guys, I've been so busy today that I didn't make any time to upload today's stuff however I DO have something, to say which is really happy news.

Please visit here tomorrow again and you guys will see what's it about. :)

Price revolution! Tata NANO costs just $2500

This is Tata NANO

January 16, 2008

Tata Motors, the Republic of India's company finally launched a small car that costs $2500 as People's car. This car calls Tata NANO.

It has been a matter of primary concern for past 4years since this company reported the plan to sell this car at unbelievable price. Their homepage was jammed when they announced it. As one of the people who's crazy with car, I went there and I wasn't able to join at that moment.

The President of Ratan Tata mentioned it has been big challenge to make an offer $2500 that they estimated since expense for steel manufactures and a tire was increasing however they carried out the promise to People, in India as well as People all over the world.

Wow. That’s incredible, let's see what it's like.

The maximum speed IS 130km/h and fuel efficiency is quite good, more than 20km/l. Displacement 624CC and it has two engine cylinders, having long:3.1m, width:1.5m, height:1.6m. It looks like typical small car. But standard model doesn't have air conductional, power handle and radio.

A big difference is that this car didn't use as many as a bolt another small car has, bonding automobile accessories that raises a issue when it comes to safety which is the first fact to consider. this was made that way to reduce weight and it is how this car has that high fuel efficiency.
The president announced why they started to making this car was that he saw a family, 4people riding on a motorcycle. A boy was on the fore seat, next farther, mother was behind father, holding her baby. After that, He thought they should have People's car that help people have family car with a reasonable price.

This is what I got to keep in my mind and that is what all enterprisers have to required. Many companies are out there, shouting that they are contributing a lot of social benefits for People, spending tons of money even sacrificing their safety. Sorry I don't think so. There may some but not all companies are doing like that.

I will see how fast Tata will be growing. It's now small company and is not famous. I bet my boots! Once this small company has such a good business philosophy, they will a lot of thing and will have a rapid growth.

What does the money mean?

Let's think of time today...

January 15, 2008

I read an article in today's newspaper and there's a small talk at the bottom that caught my eyes. I'm now going to tell you what it was talking about.

There's a bank which send people $86,400 into their account everyday however when you dont' spend all money, the balance will be disappeared daily.

Have you ever heard or seen the bank? Do you think there shouldn't be like that bank in any country? just because there isn't free lunch?

We all have the bank, called "Time". Every morning, it gives us $86,400 and the thing is that the balance, we didn't make use of today isn't going be tomorrow. we can't save the rest of time we have today. So it's like that we will loose free money when we don't make a consumption of them.

Remember Time never stop and we are not able to save them.

1. To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who has failed his exam.
2. To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
3. To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer who has ten kids to feed.
4. To realize the value of ONE HOUR ask a person who has missed the train or bus.
5. To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND, ask the person who has won a silver medal in Olympics.

This small talk lessened me one thing which is forgetful to me and I know people may be oblivious of this. So I got this topic today to let you guys give a chance once again to think about how we think of time which is limited. Do you just waste your priceless time due to any concerns which are unproductive? Are you not satisfied with what you doing now? Don't forget! Time goes on and Time flies.

A Brief family-memorial service

This is shot of that we were bowing for them

January 14, 2008

It is a memorial day for my family's ancestors. What I mean is that three times a year, our family has brief family-memorial services, not including Lunar's new year and thanks giving. And it made my family and all my father's relatives gathered in house where a first brother of my farther live.

Meeting all them at a time was the first time since Korean thanks's giving day last year. Prior to starting the ceremony, we catched up what and how we have been doing in a perfect harmony, expect for a story. A brother just started to run his own japanese restaurant 3months ago and it hasn't been as good as his prospect. I felt sorry to hear while we talked about short plan for business, and his expect to succeed however he now expects that his business will go positively. I hope it goes really well.

A ceremony started. This time, About 20people were standing and making a low bow, preying for forefathers peace. It took patience (I felt backache from bowing a lot lol)and went for two hours to get it done. People around me looked peace and beautiful. When it was about to finish. I preyed for my family such as health, financial stuff though I don't believe they will make my hopes or dreams come true. As my father and mother, who are the most admire sincerely put belief in them. I'm following them, without saying anything.

No matter how it works, thanks to this korean beautiful traditional event, our all family had a good time and it reminded us how family import is.


I like hair look in this picture. It looks like the hair in my character

which is at the botton right side.

13th January, 2008

Many people say fast food sucks by reason of low quality it has, it was nevertheless truth that Bacon & Egg McMuffin was the best breakfast to me while I was staying in van city. And it has been my favorite meal especially for breakfast on Sunday. That I go to McDonald's is always happy time. 'Good morning!' that cute young girls say is like music :) and they know I order Bacon & Egg McMuffin combo which is the best in McDonald's. It's of course damn tasty. Finger licking good!!

Those kind of foodstuffs, called junk food rarely have vitamin, minerals and another nutritions that body needs to maintain and moreover they have too much chemical seasoning as you guys know. I eat them when my body wants because it deserves to have what it wants :) It doesn't happen quite often, Twice a week doesn't really cause side affections and I hope so lol

It started raining again since this evening and it's Sunday. lol.. My guess was right that less then 10people were at the gym around 5pm today. I guess the thing was that raining weather and Sunday made people not feel going to the gym. So I love Sunday's gym. I can strengthen any part of my body freely. Most machines and stuffs that I need are available.

The schedule for this month to work on every single part of my body already has set up but I rather break the rule on Saturday or Sunday to make my muscles more tension. A coach at the gym, he always try to train me, saying 'Let's make a work of art since I have good gene to build up big muscles. I have no idea if that's true or not but Oh,, feel great to hear that :). I didn't say Yes to him yet due to the fact that I'm not ready physically and mentally to start doing hard training.

No matter what people say about me, I love myself and I know where to work on my body to get it balanced with my experience more than 3years. Before I started working out, I learned martial art for few years Hapgido which is an art of self-defense for 3years and Judo for 2years that made me exactly know how big or small each part of body's supposed to be which means I do not only work eagerly to make them huge. that's why I don't care what opinions they gave. I will be the one who distinguish your opinions and then sort out to take what I need.

The one

This lovely couple will get married to end up their long term relationship over 4years.

12th January, 2008

Here is today’s good news! A friend of mine, who was actually one of the seniorities in a regiment of military policeman in 39th division where I was in for doing military service, gave me a call and said something that made me being stunning. what he told me was that he has set date to get married to his girl friend in 3months, whom he has met more than 4years. My head was completely empty for few minutes and it was hard to continue having conversation smoothly though I was trying to come up with something to say.
Yes, It's really cool and I was supposed to congratulate him in a super happy mood. Contrary to my expectation, there was something around me which was bothering. I definitely was happy and I wanted to say that when I was on the phone. But after saying I will be present at his wedding, we finished talking. 'Why shouldn't he get married to? He has a girl friend whom he sincerely love and who crazily would like to be with him for the rest of her life'.
Frankly speaking, there hasn't been serious relationship to me for ages, therefor the difference of meaning between LOVE and LIKE is still a big question to work on. It might be the reason that I didn't experience real or deep relationship and it caused me, being stupid to him. Marriage isn't big issue to me yet anyway. But I now think that I was feeling envy him. It doesn't mean that I want to be in a hurry to find someone to be with or to spend the rest of my whole life. It takes time to find the one :) The thing I can only do is to focus on what I'm currently doing and appreciate what I have, awaiting the one, which is so exciting :)

A cricket

This song is a Cricket

13th January, 2008

Name of this song may sound fun however this is singing about a part of histories of Korea. This song was popular and all university students were singing this song while they were doing a bloody armed struggle to build dmocratic society.

This is SeoMyon, dowtown of Busan

12th January, 2008

It has been raining since this afternoon in Busan. I got back home from my part time job and I’m now writing today’s diary a bit earlier than another day Because it’s Friday!!! TGIF!! People on the street did look really excited or happy with today’s ugly weather however my feeling was good. Well it wasn’t exciting, it’s more like peaceful, listening to lovely rain music, I’d love you to want me’ which my Mp3player was playing. Now I’m so excited that I’m going to be at the gym in few hours. Oh,,,I can smell and feel my gym which is 10minutes away from my home. :)

I have no idea how they came or what made they come to my blog, likewise I don’t even know who they were. The number of people who has come, since this blog was made has not been many, yet I’m pleased with seeing Counter, rising.

It is amazing that people from all over the world come and read my dairy (I hope they understand My English.) Owing to my responsibility that help them understand my blog easily, I should improve my writing skills as well as my speaking English. Aside from developing my second language, I’d rather find something interesting, useful and impressing stuff for readers, such video, pictures and so on. Letting readers know about Busan city or Korea also would be good idea in case that many of them are from abroad. In line with this, I will do my best to make it look nice with good stuffs to read. It’s not only to make it popular. The thing is I want to keep the plan, my promise that I made and I believe this blog is changing my life good way. Keep it up, Build Seo!

This is Water Street where I always passed on my way back home in Van city.

10th January, 2008

Do you guys like New main picture on my blog which my good frined, Andy made, Thanks dude, I will prey for you,having good muscles!!!! :)

Let's start today's talk!

'You look like 30years old.' was what I heard from a stranger at the gym. Ah,, what? I put up with an insult however 'where the heck is your glasses? Wear them on!!' was what I wanted to spit out. No, It was just kidding. It wasn't that strong to make me angry or upset. but that was today's bad news. Please look at my face and body!! and hear the way I speak.

A couple always work out when I do cardio around 8pm. They look adorable and seeing them just makes me happy in the mean while I'm kinda sad. where's my girl? what is she doing now? She may be sleeping. I don't even know yet her looking, taste of food and her favorite place. my friend told me before, she will come to me all of sudden when I don't expect, when I don't await. There are actually many girls at my gym. all are looking great and they seem like having good regular living style with a clue that they never skip being at the gym. I like girls, working out. I don't know what makes me think like that but they absolutely look cool!!! It would be more hard for them to be at the gym everyday than guys would be. Yes I really think so. Plus they motivate me sometimes when I don't feeling working out. They should be admired, showing up at the gym regularly no matter what reason they have. But here's a question! Do they ever know who I am?

I got this picture yesterday as soon as I got back home from the gym.

9th January, 2008

The alarm sound wasn't as noisy as usual this morning. After taking a shower I hit to the library. Good music was playing on my Mp3 player and that made me feel not cold. Addict myself to being at the library. It has been for me to being at the library for more than past 5years and I got weird symptoms when I'm not at it. is it good thing or bad thing. library comes to make me feel safe after Gym lol. As a matter of fact that the test to be public servant is coming soon, it won't be easy for me to get favorite seat however I think that absolutely will make me wake up early.

People may don't like fast music, people smell sweaty and a yell at small space in a crowd. But I love my gym. It's so small so that there's sometimes no machines and dumbbells, available and I could see some people, blaming. sorry guys. You guys just don't know how to take advantage of that awful circumstances. when it like that, I rather happy on account of good chance to get to know many gym dudes and then we can be friends which are cool. It doesn't big deal that some are sociable, some are not like that. Thanks to talent that I can be absorbed in any kind of people in any type of conditions, seeking for the way to enjoy at a moment isn't that hard to me and then I have some new friends when talking off the gym and I'm happy with that.

Enjoy to see these pictures but remember some pictures are NOT real , did photoshop on them.

8th January, 2008

Due to the fact that I'm now completely busy, I 'd rather skip today's dairy as well as tomorrow however I will update something for TODAY in oder to stick to my new year's plan.

My major building.

7th January, 2008

I opened door at library early this morning to find spot that which makes me feel comfortable and help me focus on studying. 'What's going on here?' Many students were studying though it was still dark outside and few minutes later I saw some of them, whispering to ask something about test stuff. They were taking summer semester and today is their test. Sigh,,, there's not going be any summer test in my life. student is not my job at all.

It was good chatting time with my some of dudes, talking about political, economic stuffs in Korea which we always need to consider. It was a long talk more then 3 hours.Why do we have to do that? Sorry, I have no answer. It has been interesting more and more then before since I was first year and It seems like that stuff has to be considered to enlighten my ignorance of knowing how everything in the world is originated or ended. it may mean to become a real man. they are interesting to me as well as the way how to be happy.
It's time to off to the gym now. I will save some by the reason of being busy on this week. Good night Build and all here!

This is Kim! My cellphone has good camara!!

6th January, 2008

Checking my phone was what I did first to see what time it was as soon as I woke up, Damn it I woke up later then I'm supposed to get up. I had plan to upload my blog which has been the most exciting stuff to me recently. Due to the fact that there's going to be really important thing to me on this coming Sunday, I won't be able to do it after it gets done.

My cell belled around 2:30 My friend, 'I have ? is there a MegaMart in Gwanhan?' My friend Kim text me. It has been more than three months that we haven't seen each other. And she was just 20mins away from where I'm staying. she was grocery shopping while I was getting ready to take off and then we met at Starbux. she looked still good. sitting on the stairs and wearing sunglasses lol. we talked for one hour with hot coffee. while we were talking, she recommended that I go with her at her friend's hours for Mexican food dinner. Sound's cool!! We first went to her place to kill time and she cleaned her house in the mean time I was playing myself with her weird silicon pillow.

It was about 6pm. we went to Kim's club to grab some beer and food. and got the place where we were supposed to be. I had no idea what they were talking about all. they all were speaking spanish which I'm eager to learn but they sound absolutely cool. Not only the food that they made was awsome but also music around us was perfect. Thanks Kim!! she is leaving for the states soon and I should meet her again soon. Spanish! Spanish! Spanish! Spanish!!

From tomorrow I will be super busy but I love what I'm doing now. happy Build Seo's life must go on!

Build's song!!!!

January 5th, 2008

This is my song. Hope you guys enjoy this.

Don't boo me. I just was trying to be cute. q:

January 3rd, 2008
Adding features on my blog isn't a piece of cake as on I'm not the cutting edge. It's always pleasure though. The
map to see who's on would let me know how big world is and so I can visit the village or town they are from with googlearth which is really amazing. The number of people coming here isn't the matter. it's exciting then I did expect before I started it but I do hope people like my place, Build's life. My writing isn't all on the great or correct grammar so you guys may not really understand what I mean but then ask or tell me on the comment which part isn't clear or which part has wrong grammar then I will fix it, if possible. I really will appreciate that. :)
And I promise I will upload whatever you guys would like to know,see and hear about my life, Korean culture and so on.

It was beautiful monent and People around me looked all peaceful.

January 2nd, 2008
I couldn't believe that my gym had so many people today that there wasn't any spot to work out. It makes sense a lot. Just seeing that many people, eagerly working out remind me that it was 2nd of 2008 which was the first day the gym opened since this year. That guys want to build up muscles on their body in the mean time girls are working out to loose weight or burn fat for this coming summer are totally true. Don't you think so? I meant that's common. That's part of reason and that's how I became gym bunny. LOL. They all made plans for this year and there might be some problems they would have to go through. But I wish they all make it!! My 2007 was definitely a rollercoaster of a year but emotionally, hopefully my 2008 will be just as exciting!!!

The beautiful sun, January 1st of 2008

January 1st, 2008

Build Seo was with Ponyboy to see beautiful sunrising at Heaundae Beach in Busan city Korea.
Go to youtube and find me in case you can't focus on this video lol.

The video of sunrising that I watched 1st of this year was done completely. In the celebration of happy 2008 new year, it was born. :) the thing was somewhat late that I tried to make some changes however there still many in the video. Please understand me. Next movie definitely will be much better then my first two video that having my a lot of efforts. I actually was good though It takes about 4hours, struggling from chopping, mixing all pictures and movies. You guys may think it looks easy to make it but many problems were around me while I was working on it. Anyway, I'm just feeling GREAT with my video and that's it.