I should go to see the beach this weekend. but I can't wait it.

January 29, 2008

Thanks, "Sine" the girl who worked at my gym, she finally sent my picture to me. wow! My both arms were so pumped that they were bigger than their actual size. New schedule for work out has been working well and so I could see me, getting bigger and that means I'd rather carefully work out to get all balanced.

The road was wet this morning from the morning rain and sky, the grey colour sky made me feel irritating. Everything at that moment looked ugly and sad on my eyes. I just wanted to get out of my life with him who needs help that I couldn't give him. and bring smile to him.

As I mentioned few days ago, a friend of mine got a huge problem so his family has been struggling from many things, caused by that disaster. I met him 3days in a row however there was nothing changed. why I did meet him was to make sure he was ok and just wanted to be with him. When someone needs help and I'm not able to give him anything, I feel useless. I wish I had something to give him. He was strong guy physically and mentally. He loved his life and that lessened me to open my eyes and know how beautiful my life is. But it does seem like he is in the hell therefore he doesn't know what to do. What can I do for him? what should I do? just see how everything goes with him? If there's God please help him pleas care of him, please get him out of this hell.

Talking craft is good sometimes. I met some people and talk about random topic which made me not think of my friend for a while. some people didn't know what's manner is. I guess it's because Internet, letting people hide themselves regardless of how and what they are talking about meanwhile there are a lot of people who, well mannered. and I met a guy who current study to be a interpreter which I wanted to be and I may will try to become. It's so hard to pass the test in order to take the class to be interpreter as far as I know. Frankly, His speaking wasn't good as I expected though he knows a variety of terminology in politics, economics and history. our conversation went to job stuff. hot issue to me and ended up talking about English plan that new coming government may will take effect. I went straight to bed after the conversation was done, it was 3am.


앤디오빠 said...

Sometimes, all you can do, is just be there for a friend. Also, some problems aren't meant to be solved quicky. Sometimes, life gives us bad things, to remind us to enjoy the good things... because no matter how hard you try, things always change, and eventually the good things will stop.

Saw your new photo in your cyworld. Looking amazing. I've been working hard at the gym, and will continue to try to work hard. Gotta lose some weight so I can keep our promise of going to Haeundae ^^

Build said...

I really really appriciate that Andy, you have been trying to cheer me up. Thanks, Andy.