May 30, 2008

Dear fans of my web.

I should sorry to make you wait to see new part of my life. My mind is always here but plz understand me, being so busy with my new part time job, job interview stuff and tests that I should pass for a job.

I promise I will try to make new stuff as early as possible and please wait and remember this my place :)

This is the card.

May 21, 2008

I saw an envelop in my post box when I was coming up to my room. thought that it was utility bill but it wasn't. A small pink card was in it. It's officially the first one, saying "happy birthday Seo! " and it's from Dunkin Donuts :) My birthday is 6 of June though. They didn't want to be late to say that I guess so. It has a free coffee and donut coupon,,sweet!

There's going to be school party from tomorrow and it lasts for 3days. I thought 'Students may now be really busy to prepare for party and super excited and they will affect me good way to be more happy' my guess was right. they were really busy, building tents for bars and making stages for performance that they has been preparing to show. they seemed really happy and I became happy. in the while. I felt a bit isolated. I was one of them, preparing party with my friends under the sunshine a year ago. but now there wasn't any one whom I know. right.. people need to be socialized to survive.

After I got back home, I started thinking about why people want to join clubs they like or people make clubs to attract others. My answer would say people want to feel identity. No matter what they are looking for, They will join something they like and they will settle in a group when they find. and then they would start feeling more safe. you guys would think it's relatively involved in people's interests, saying it's not about identity. I'm just a person who never studied about this knowledge thing. I'm just said what I thought today :)
I found sound sleeping. Well I don't actually remember where I was told this sleep aid stuff but I thought it would be good to listen when I happen to be struggle from sleeping problem or when I do meditation Sunday morning. cool!!!

The main picture in my blog has to be changed since it has been for past 6months. I like it though. it was made by my buddy, Andy. but to get different mood, it's indeed. What would it be good for main picture. I like mainly thing and Andy got exact my point when he made current picture over there. it's tough,,tough,,tough,,,I need my friend's opinion...

May 19, 2008

Tiring and tiring day has been for past few days because I haven't have enough sleep to prepare for Monday which was sort of important to me. Due to lack of sleep, my brain doesn't work properly now. I didn't want to skip writing my diary though. So I'm here now.

There was Lotte giant baseball game at Sajic stadium last Sunday but the ticket for game is still on my desk. I didn't go to see it. I'm so cranky now.

It was last Saturday that me and my K-friends got along to cultivate our relationship. From our talk, I knew Mr, J of mine showed his mind that he truly likes her to Miss, B few weeks ago but he didn't make it. B and I has known for a year and she is always bright and friendly to me. A week ago, I saw her around my home and called her. She ran toward me. "Hey, sweetie, show me how much you love me!!" it was joke. But she hugged me :) it wasn't supposed to happen though. she is a really SHY girl. 'probably she really thinks I'm a good friend of her and so she could hug me without hesitating' I thought like that and I didn't mean anything that she hugged me in public. but now I know she was bounding. She could be really upset or feeling guilty because she know Mr, j has been really sad. I didn't tell that occasion to my friends cause Mr, J was there with me and other friends. It's not good for us, all friends were really close together. but now I think we can't hang out all together for a while. sad..sad..

I met my friend's taylor after midnight. It was late to hang out but I wanted to say hi to Billy who came to korea to see my friend, Taylor. I don't know where they are in a relationship. Anyway, I could see them when I got in Thursday party bar. They were talking some strangers and it turned out they were drunk Japaness who wanted to speak in English. They were really funny though. "Seo!!!" someone called behind me. Mel was there again :) inside of bar was packed and noisy so we took a sit outside. Billi was a hot girl as my friend. Dwane said more than tons of times lol and she was really cool. I wanted to see Gwanhan bridge and We all went there. Jesus!! at 3am, there were so many people, drinking. of course they were all foreigners and few Koreans. It was like beach party. I had really good time with them even though we didn't know where we were from and who was who's friend.

Few hours later, it was around 6 I think. I started waiting to see sun rise, holding a beer and freshing my brain. I could see some people, pooling around and some were sleeping at the beach. But it felt like I was at the beach myself to see sunrising which was super good.

me in new shirt and you can see that my arms, face got a tan a lot from army training!

May 15, 2008

What a small world!! no,, I should say what a small Korea is. To talk about this, it's kind of unvoidable that I should go back about 6months ago. I knew a girl through the web and she is from Toronto. I will call her "A" We got close so fast for about a month though she and I are living quite far. A came to Busan and I came to A's city. I still think having time with her was the best memory last year. But I don't think It will happen again :( One day, something came up which was small I still think but it got bigger, bigger and bigger. while it was getting bigger, I admit was really bad guy. I made so many mistake cause I was kidna of scared not to see her :) We eventually stop contacting. I don't even know what her cell phone number is. oh,, there was her blog but I haven't been there for past 5months.

What I'm saying here tonight, there was her friend, a korean guy. and A seemed like A didn't really like him but they were still friends. I will call him "Y" After few month later I knew another girl who lives in Seoul from facebook. We are still friends. But tonight I saw her saying in msn "where is Y?" and I messaged " Hey who are you looking for, Is Y your boy friend?? " Yes!!" She said. lol. his face that I saw my friend's facebook's profile picture has been familiar to me and I didn't know where I saw his picture. but Now I know where I saw his face. I saw his picture on A's blog lol What a small Korea is. I never imagin that kind of thing would happen. I don't know A and Y stiil friends. It's is surprising new!! Since A before mentioned about Y's name a lot I still remember his name and so I wondered he is Y. I asked her " is his name xxx? she said " yes do you know him?" of course I don't know him and I didn't wanted to bring the story I mentioned, above. I said " No I don't know him. It's really good new she found a guy and I'm really happy :)

My gym plan has been working out really well considering to muscles that has been getting bigger. But when I stepped Step on the scale after work out today, my weight was same as 1month ago. was feeling ok. my all troubles went for nothing!! nothing!! So I'm now thinking of what to chose among three work out plans. I don't know yet what would it work well. I will tell you next time :) since it's not easy to chose. It is really important!!!
It's around 12 now.. I should go to bed!! good night all!!

I was one of them, yelling for Lotte giant!!

May 13, 2008

I went to see Iron man with Dwane past Sunday night. There was small argument before we chose movie to see. Dwane, he is going to see a movie with K-girl this Saturday and Iron man was what he planed to see with her :) Anyway I won!

The story was like for kids but it was quite good. After movie, he mentioned abut Rock&Roll bar that is in Seomyun and is famous to foreigners in Busan. I actually saw some broachers they posted in KS area when they just started doing business about 1year ago, but I haven't been there yet. So we checked that place for a light drink because it was Sunday night. Bar R was located right cross of the Lotte department store. It didn't seem like as good bar as others in KS and Pnu. When I was just in, lol I could see Mel whom I bumped into on Saturday night at club. Bumping into her for only 24 hours reminded me that Busan is quite small. I felt like I was tracking her lol Oh my god. there were some girls whom Dwane was trying to dance with and he approached them, saying " you talk to Mel!" He betrayed me lol. Girls always come first to him. well I didn't talk with her cause she was surrounded by her friends in a good mood, whom I don't know, didn't want to ruin their mood so instead I tried to enjoy drink with music for half hours and finally gave up doing that. Music wasn't good and drink was weird. When I was about to say " I go home now" he came and said "let's go home." I guess things didn't work between them. that happened a lot to him lol

Tuesday afternoon, I called my mother and our conversation was going to be in a bad mood. what she said without thinking made me feel pissed off and angry. Of course she is my mother and she wasn't serious, but at a moment, I thought there are something we have to keep in our mind for respect. a small thing could be significantly enough to change everything that follows. Seo has to grow up! Our talk ended up in a really bad mood. I feel bad for whole Tuesday, angry at myself. I should have been more patient!

My birthday is in 4weeks and it's doesn't really make me happy. I'm getting old :( Some of my friends already told me they would come to celebrate my birthday. But I don't plan it yet it's too far. don't want to plan it yet well,,don't want to think about it lol what I'm thinking about right now is that I need to gain more weigh before June comes. I'm desperate. It has been really tiring day for past few days and now I'm really tired. so I should get my work done and go to sleep. good night every one. sweet dream!!

May 11, 2008

I like Saturday more than Friday. Since I got a job to do on Saturday morning, I'm not really able to go out with my friends for a drink, movies.

But 11th of May was Seo's family's memorial day. I went straight to see Seo's family instead of going out for a drink. There was no spot to put my shoes front door. They all came earlier than I came. Dinner, a talk was good. I prayed to my ancestors for that Seo's family keep peace, happiness, healthy while we were having good conversation in a perfect mood.

After memorial thing, I called Dwane, one of my CDI friends. He told me that as he leaves Korea soon, he wants to have more fun with me. yeah we should because Dwane won't come to Korea again for any reason. I hope he settle down as fast as he can with job that he wants.

He was in Heaundae with his friends from Seoul. I told him to come Gwanhanli which is my favorite beach in Busan. Midnight was they and I was suppressed to meet. It was a little windy but it helped me smell strong sea which was great. I droped by GS store for a can of beer and sit at the beach. This is what I really love!!! 20 after midnight, he didn't show up yet, My good time changed to bad time because of cold weather and I was cranky lol I text him "Dwane you lost your credit 20 percent. he finally showed up with his friends and we went to Thursday party bar. you guys will be shocked when you come to this bar in the summer!! this bar is located where you can see middle part of Gwanhan bridge, showing an awesome lamps that keeps changing color!!

When we got closer together, I realized that I was the youngest guy among them :) felt great! One more K-buddy joined us and Taylor jointed with his girl friend from the state later. I knew I would go clubbing that night but I didn't expect I would go 2places and stayed so late. We first checked club Foxy. Wow!! It was my first time being there. Club is like many fabulous clus I saw in movies or music video. It was super big and has good interior stuffs. 2hours later, we hit the club vinal in KS area, it was 3am. it was vinal. Saturday night's vinal has always many people. I bumped into Mel whom I used to go out for coffee and dinner for weekend but I haven't contacted her for past 2months. People are all drunk and danced. me was sitting on the chair :) I just like watching people dancing or hitting on each other and being in the music. Some of my female friend's came to make me dance but I didn't :) smoking with drinking beer or Vodka and cider was what I love at club. I actually was pretty drunk. when I got out of the club, I could see sunshine God,, it was 6:30.

May 9th ,2008

Yesterday, After I got back home and changed my clothe, this idea that taking picture of my body just popped up. So,, I did :) Sorry not to show my whole body since I thought that it's kinda weird for me to show me, wearing my underwear to you lol Anyway, let's annalize this picture for short time. My body got bigger, considering my weight which got gained more 2kg. For this reason, I could handle more heavy training stuff and so percentage of muscle is more than before which is good. But I've lost definition and this is bad thing. My plan is to be on diet from at the end of this month or middle of this June to loose about 5kg and this is for good shape. As I know, my body will get smaller while I'm on diet, I should gain weigh as much as I can before my diet plan gets started. 5kg would be possible to gain. This is good thing, checking my body regularly to motivate myself and reschedule my work out plan though some people think I'm crazy lol

Good news today, a friend of mine who has prepared for job interview with me got noticed that he is hired by S1 Korean security company as a plan organizer. Everyone said he is real lucky guy. He just applied for 4companies and he got chance to have interview of them. applying for only 4 companies. me and most people in my study group have been applied more than 100times so far lol. I believe his good smile, bright personality and positive mind brought good luck to him. I called him to say congratulation!!!! and he said "thanks you it's all my help, saying I put positive mind in his brain with good advice." I was thankful. Tomorrow, he will have small dinner party!! Young ha!! I'm proud of you, man!

It's good thing to see a number of people, enjoying summer activity at the beach and in Heaundae beach, there's going to be beach volleyball which is interesting to me. Mostly they are forefingers, playing and I don't know how to play it yet. So I think I should get there to see them, playing! hope there are some of my acquaintances whom I know. Then it's going to be easy to get along with them :)

May 7th, 2008

Picture is kinda of magic and I strongly believe that. Why I'm suddenly saying this is because two my ID pictures. First one was taken a year ago and few weeks ago I got second one. As you guys can see two picture above, well I don‘t know what you think, they totally feel different to me. But I'm not saying which one is better. Anyway I will use new one for my new ID card and driver license

Last night, I was pretty wasted. My friend, Heavy Smoker phoned me around noon and said my close bro was going to come to my area. His name is Seong Hun. SH and I had many things in common when we both were in school. drinking a lot, working out crazily and sticking to a certain type of girls to hang out lol. it was joke. Though about 10 people met beef restaurant for dinner, we jumped on having dinner. We just cheered Soju instead. That's our way. He works for stock company now and he is the second person, having customers to manage money as fund manager. he was titled for only 2years after he started working which means he is expert and his ability to deal with customers is unbelievably good. He was like that while he was majoring in business with me. After soju rush, we went to SeoMyun, downtown Busan. Sorry this story can't be going forward since what we did was pretty stupid and wasted. We were trash :)

I went to the gym as usual after dinner today. A cute girl wasn't at information desk. she always says "Hi!" and asks "How are you?" She doesn't even know I think she is cute. well she is!!! she isn't hot. but she is cute and cute and cute. "why don't we have dinner sometimes?" always rolling in my mouth. I can't and I don't know I will ask her out because she seems like really young. Story sound's like pretty normal shy Korean guy, isn't it? lol Yes, I am. My gym trainer was changed and he seems like to want to make me huge guy, considering his first greeting that " have you ate a lot since last night?" lol Yes, I'm now eating more than before to gain more weigh. It's not easy for me though for some reasons. Anyway, He was assistant while I was working on chest for 1hour. My body got all attention from other gym buddies. well my new work out plan, set two months ago seems like working really well :) After I finished working out, my cloth was totally wet and I could feel my chest got pumped up! I love that feeling.

May 5th, 2008

It was children's day today and it's officially holiday in Korea. When I was a little, like 8years old boy, today was the second happy days after my birthday however my family wasn't rich that they could buy expensive gifts or bring me luxurious restaurant. But my father and mother always tried to make small event though they were struggling from making money to live. every single events are still in my head :)

Anyway, Today I went to Korean Chinese restaurant for lunch with my old school friends. I ordered 짜장면 that I used to eat in may 5th with my family because it was the cheapest food we could eat out of home plus it was my favorite food to eat. The food was really good before so I ordered it for two people for me :) After good lunch, I got a phone call from Pony boy. Oh,, he got a day off. He was really close to me so we met at Beans where we used to go for coffee.

We started doing brainstorming to come up with some ideas to do for only three and half hours. why should it be for that short hours? one of my crews had to work from 6pm. It wasn't easy but we finally took Pony boy's idea which is to attack one of the lighthouses in Busan and the route was his jogging course.

As soon as our plan was set, I ran to my home to bring my camera. you guys can see what happened after that with seeing video below
