This is GoJe trip video, made by Andy

April 20, 2008

It's Tuesday night now. I should admit my blog hasn't been updated this month because of me, being lazy. Seo has to be more diligent for his bog. himsef and few readers of this blog :)

Something happened to me. My short memory has been getting worse recently so I vaguely remember yesterday. But don't want this happen and this is going to motivate me to work on my blog at least twice a week :)

Saturday night, few of my friends came over my place for beer which I don't like. but they are my friends. when they were drunk enough to be happy, they asked me to play some musics and I did. One of English music was playing. Oh,,, "it's pain to listen! this music sucks!" a friend of mine said and he came to my laptop to search some music. "Seo 's crazy!" he said again because of my laptop doesn't have Korean song. They started to make fun of me. yes I rarely listen to Korean music but that doesn't mean that I hate Korean music. there has not been TV in my room for past 7years and I don't watch Korean soap drama as well as music, comedy channel. It makes sense a lot that I don't know which singer. song are popular now. But QRFM from vancouver station always plays over my laptop. Since I used to listen to it while I was staying in Vancouver, that makes me feel good with no reason. From the radio, I have got many songs which are my type and that's how my laptop is filled with many English songs. Anyway, My friends didn't understand me though they know who I am. But I was fine since I gave fun and smile to them.

When they were about to take off from my place, one of my CDI friends, Taylor called me. He was on taxi, heading to Songjeong beach for another his and my firend's birthday party. I wanted to go but it's kinda far. I estimated taxi fee about 15,000 that I didn't want to spend. so I stayed my home. one hour later, he called me again and said he was on the way KyoungSeong, my area. it was time to drink more beer lol. I went out with him. He was with Randy, having crossed eyes lol

At Thursday's party, we drank a beer. and Randy kept saying to go clubbing. He was damn funny, he acted like 5years old kid. I don't really like going clubbing but it has been like ages to see them again. so I went to club, Vinal underground. It was super packed and girls were really hot lol I don't dance so I was looking for a spot to sit while my friend were into dancing with music. Damn! It was so hard to find just one sit. We stayed there till 4am.

April 17, 2008

Sorry, I've been so lazy that I haven't been care of my blog and this symptoms may be the thing I have to deal with in oder to be a real blogger man :) I seriously have been feeling something was missed in my life due to me, being lazy and so I skipped one dairy. So I can say this "Build Blog" is a part of my life :)

Okay, let's start today's stuff.

I've been really tired after my Goje trip. I think it was because of driving that I had not done for that long since I finished Army. but there sill are many good movie of hanging around with Andy in my brain.

This past Wednesday, I had language class with Anthony at Coffee Bean as usual. We sometimes went through heavy topic and I realized that somehow there are differences between me and him. Because Anthony is 4years younger than me, he has relatively more open mind than I have to see, otherwise, different background of him and me would make different eyes to see and think therefore, idea and the way to think is fresh and new to me. In conclusion, my view isn't as wide as he has? I don't know...

Mr. Arms who hasn't been around my gym recently finally showed up last night and he recommend me to buy some bodybuilder stuff saying that he bought some nutrition for this summer. Yes I want to buy them. but money is matter now :( I glanced at his super big and beautiful triceps while we were talking about work out plan for about 10minutes. Ah... I want them and I will get them soon. I maybe not get as same as the look this arms because of our body type and look are different. But I'm sure my arms and his arms look similar since I'm copying his work out way :) Though my gym buddies say that it's impossible, They will be impressed in three months, looking at my arms lol

In locker room, my phone beeped. I missed one call from Dwane, one of my CDI friends. He came to my town with his friends to indian food as dinner and "Great India" is 10seconds from my place therefore, I went joined dinner with them. new face was there so I said " Hi nice to meet you " and he said hi back to me. this is so embarrassing to say. "what's your name?" he asked. I answered "THIS IS SEO." Everyone's there laughed :( 'when is my language problem going to stop making me look stupid?' :( Anyway, I really enjoying eating dinner that I still don't know :) and went to KEYNOEYES bar. Dwane started being chatter box. good! Since he is so funny, I like listening to him. :) I will talk about him sometime later. after few hours, we went to Thursday Party to grab icebeer. It was 2am when I got back home.

April 12 and 13, 2008

Some bad thing with my family stuff came up on past Friday. So I came to Jin ju on saturday early in the morning to see my father's family and I spent few hours on helping them. anyway, what happened was so sad that I don't want to mention about it now.

At night, I drove my father's car, wishing that I drove my own car, heading downtown Jin Ju to pick up my friend, Andy who was supposed to go Goje trip of Goje island. I already made all itinerary for our this trip however I wasn't sure to make this mission complete because of 외도 island where more than 10,000people visit to see.

Though this trip has been planed ages ago, past Saturday we were with together in my father's car because of me, being really busy and Andy's schedule that didn't match my day off.

As soon as Andy hopped on my car, we headed off to Goje paradise. " Andy, you are in charge of Seo's photo for 36hours." I said :) But he was my navigator. lol since I got wrong highway a time. he didn't really trust me, having a good sence of direction lol. but at the end of our trip, he would noticed that I was expert of map of Goje :)

We went to 찜질방 for stay that night. it has quite good public bath with new and clean 찜질 facility. with great mood, we went to 4stairs for sleep. few couples were around us and they were really really annoying. they all looked like 20years old. they should have got a room in motel or hotel not in 찜찔방. I ended up going my car to sleep myself. It was good actually for me to stay in car with good musics over the radio. Around 3am, I opened my eyes, and couldn't feel anything on my legs and arms. shoot! they were freezed. I came in 찜질방 again but the couples were still cuddling and pooling around. I was in hell lol. don't stay 찜질방 (Jim Jil Bang) when you go travel .

At 7am I woke up and got Andy up. After taking a shower and having breakfast, we went straight to ferry station to catch ferry for 외도 that I really wanted to show to Andy. When we stepped on Oedo, I look at his face. Oh no... he didn't seem like excited. but he started liking this curious island :

After 3hours Odeo travel, I brought him at Mong dol beach which is not a sand beach. look at this picture :) (We had lunch there, and relaxed on the beach

Since I know Andy likes historical thing of Korea, I took him at We went back to Geoje city, and checked out the POW Camp/Museum for our last destination. It reminded me of my 2years army service and the train I'm going to get in 2weeks :(

Today, I just want to show all pictures, not writing this stuff :) because picture would be better way to let you guys know how great my travel was :)

Anyway, this is 36hours trip with my friend, Andy. I had really great time and hope he made good memory of Korea.

This is a Rape Flower bed. Take some rest here :)

April 9, 2008

It was really heavy raining and so windy today and it could be part of reason that the rate of voting for 18th new congressmen was just 46% which was the lowest rate since it first started. It's shameful that people in Korea are getting lost the interest in politic stuff though we know congressmen are in charge of law which heavily are involved in our life. People say they've got a lot disappointed and so they don't want to take this issue seriously. I don't think like that. We first have to pay attention to know what and how they are doing, giving them a lot of good and bad comments and then congressmen will consider of us, they will work for us.

More than 90% people got a day off today because of this election stuff. Many of my friend, therefore, got together to drink tonight. me also met my interview study group members for a drink. You may think Seo is alcoholic :) No, I'm not. When I feel that I need to drink to be socialized, I drink. Does it make sense? lol

As all people in that study group are gathered for sharing job information, practicing interview that we are going to have, after our resume and coverlets are passed in first step, companies information were our issues to talk about. when we were drank about 4bottles of Soju(Korean drink), mood got changed from being happy, hopeful into being sad, exhausted. They were afraid of ending that they won't get jobs they want. Oh Come on!!!!!! We are still young! We don't have to think about unexpected, unnecessary gloomy future. well it may be needed to prepare the worst situation that we'd face such as live our life without any job. what we are supposed to be now, is filled with confidence, thinking of the way to achieve our short plan, looking at the only bright side. Am I wrong? I seriously hate being that sad, anxious mood and so I did change topic to talk about, making some stupid jokes. I can say I'm the most realistic person than any of my friends and this is why I have been putting a lot of efforts on what I'm doing now to make better life. How I am different is that I'm look at bright side more than dark side and it really helps me to cheer myself. This is what I sincerely want to tell all of my friends. Cheer up! all of my friends.

Damn stupid Seo!! there is a flower bed in my ex university, filled with Rape Flower which is super beautiful. It's like yellow bed that I wanna jump into. I FORGOT that is in my school. But I haven't been there yet this year and didn't make photos of them. I hope they still full bloom. I should go check it out tomorrow.

Look at this guy! :)

April 7, 2008

If I was given this question that which place is the best to take a rest, I would answer GwangAnli beach is one of the best place I've ever been and this place always gives me peace. Dwane and I went to GwanAnlr on past Sunday. He used to hang out with me on Friday or Saturday with CDI friends. For some reasons, involved in his short plan this year, He stoped going out and started studying business instead.

Around 4pm, I was standing at gate 3, awaiting Dwane and I saw him, walking upstairs, wearing sunglasses. It looked great on him he should wear it always lol He was holding a bag with his right hand. "what's in it?" I asked. " a kite that he bought from traveling China. He wanted to play it in the beach. Cool! It was really popular to play it when I was 9 years old and one day people stoped playing it with the reason that I never know. On the way to the beach, I could hear some weird sound from my stomach. I hadn't had lunch yet and so does he. we both went to GamJaTang place. which most foreigners don't like to eat however he eats everything. After good food, we grabbed a coffee at Coffee Bean where I can have the best coffee. As soon as the coffee came to our hands, we ran to the beach to play a kite. Wind was good enough and weather was good too. Dwane took it out of the bag and he started playing it. He sucks! He didn't know how to read the direction of wind, blowing and so his kite kept hitting on the sand lol "move backward!!!" I yelled. He didn't listen to me. It was fun to him, acting like 4years old kid who was playing a kite. My turn was given. He should be admired when he saw me, using a string perfectly with great sense of reading which way wind was blowing to lol and you guys can see me, playing it in today's picture here in my blog. 'Was I just exaggerated?' don't mind :)

We played it for about one hour and we saw a small kid, passing by us with his parents. While they were being away from us, I thought that kid would enjoy playing a kite more than we did. So I called a guy who seemed like kid's father and gave our kite to him. "thanks a lot" he said. Ah,, I still remember how happy a small boy was when his father put the kite in his small hands. The boy started running, holding the kite with his right hand and the direction he ran was not where he was supposed to run as Dwane did lol his family was trying to teach him but he didn't listen to him. why? he had to be away from his family to play the kite properly. like a small puppy, running around his owner. he was amazingly lovely, adorable boy. :)

My past Sunday was awesome.

April 5, 2008

This was my first ever that I hated club and wanted to kill people who invented club. It was Friday night. Being stuck around in my home for weekend was ok however my body wanted some bottles of beer :) Anyway, I came back home from dinner with some of my English study members. Few minutes later, a band started playing and their sound was actually good. I thought that's from live music club, Monk. Music was getting loud and loud and I could imagine what was going on with shouting and yelling people was making. I actually tied up and untied my shoes several times, sitting on the fence " should I go out or not? :) Some document on my desk had to be done so I didn't go out.

It took about 4hours to get it done and it was 2am. I took a shower and went to bed. when I turned off the light, I felt like music was more loud than before and that started bothering me to sleep. but first time ' too much coffee' I thought. it wasn't coffee. it was noise. I blocked my ears with rubber ears block and covered whole my face with blanket not to hear any sound. it didn't work. was pissed off. what I thought actually was I should go out for drink and stay up all night without sleep. Since it was Saturday, there might be some people whom I know in any bar. I put my jacket on and headed out for Thursday's Party bar. it was weird that no one's there and I saw few people were sitting around in some other bars. on saturday night? It turned out the band music was from club vinal and it was packed completely. all drunkers in KyungSeong town would be there lol but I didn't feel like being one of them so I came back home. Music still was going on. 4am music stopped and the number of sheep I'd been counting was uncountable. God damn Vinal!

I lost the point to sleep and it didn't seem like it's going back soon and so I stayed up whole night, watching movies.

Around 5pm, Saturday night, I went to chicken place with interview study buddies for dinner. but we ordered chicken and beer. we went to Norebang after that. if you ever want to see different view of Korean, get them drunk and brink them over Norebang. you will see how they can be changed lol. I didn't go to the gym that night which meant I didn't have to work out because of so much energy I spent to sing. After about 2hours screaming time, we headed out for beer place again. just drinking without speaking. I was like keeping my friend's life moto 'live to drink' lol when my body got beer enough. I needed something different. it was tequila!!! I brought all over one of my favorite bars. we drank it and I ended up drinking Jack&coke. I don't have any idea about how much I drank lastnight :) but I can say I won't need any alcohol for this weekdays lol

April 2, 2008

Language exchange with Anthony officially started today. well I was very tensed due to the fact that he was listening to me very carefully however today's class was actually about how we are going to do. We besides talked about car that I'm interested in and how the government of Korea is going to protect Korean domestic car market. Eventually, they are no longer able to put a lot of tax on imported cars such as Toyota, BMW and GM since Korea made a deal, FTA.

After dinner, I got noticed that my friend, Mr. Smoke got failed of applying for a company. It wasn't first time, happening. As I did get failed from more than eighty companies to apply for, the number that he got failed are almost same as mine. But this occasion wasn't somewhat different. HJ Metal was where he tried to work for and this company isn't really famous company since it's not middle big company but also it's located in undeveloped area to live in. I really thought he would make it this time and he had to make it this time as he was desperated to get a job and he has been suffering from money problem he used for school loan. But he didn't even have a chance for interview. When the company screened his resume, my friend, he wasn't out of their interest. Too much job seekers out there in Korea, studying a lot, eagering to get jobs and so many companies now are just happy to pick some pure intelligent, well educated and qualified people to hire? What's going on in Korea???? What's happening in Korea may help Korea developed in economic view later as it ends up all companies in Korea are packed by such a smarters. But in different point of view, we are wasting young's passion and desires which mean many people have unproductive life, just studying, not having a chance to put out what they study out their brain. This is really bad and sad to see. People say my ages are kind of victims since we were born in early 1980 when Korea promoted baby boom. It sounds reasonable. But we seriously need solution to sort out this huge national problem. Returning back, Mr. Smoke looked really depressed. I took him at the bench and gave him a piece of cigarets and a coffee. "There must be a company, aware of your vision, passion and they will hire you soon" I said. he said thanks.

It's Wednesday today, and I can see this weekend coming soon. yeah!! Well.. my schedule for this weekend almost set up and there's not going to have time for fun possibly. hope to have some hours for some cold beers :) If, not that would ok with me. Weekend is weekend. Weekend just makes me feel good.