I couldn't find Ara's picture in her blog, I guess this is
her favorite music guy so I place this instead of her face LOL.

14th. Dec. 2007

It was sunny today, that made me feel really cool. I enjoyed coffee with chatting with a beautiful girl who is my friend.Ara. she has real sweet heart and seems to know how to show the faith to people. We just talked about how differnt guy and girls are and that lessened me something, important in relationship between couple just A person hit my brain while talking with about it with her. But I'm not mentioning about it. yes I was a damn silly guy before, childish, grabber and immature. just hope not to do the same mistake again. Though it was for about 30min's talk, she made me forget pressure, pushing me my both shoulder from final term.

Oh my god. The test was in two hours and my brain started not working properly. had no idea what was going on with me. The talk from people, sitting around me wasn't that bothering me but I didn't find why my brain was completely white.

통계분석론 is OVER. I won't take this class again. Just why I did study that a lot and what did i do for this test were hitting my head. my test was bad. Do you think how hard I worked for this once I know would be the last chance to make my GPA better. my all troubles went for nothing. what's done is done. I can't take it back. There won't be me, being sad. there will be me, excited with happy new year and such a good plan.

I seriously wanna write this but fuxx tired now so catch up later guys.

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